Let's make atTarnowska’s!
Notre American Bar est dédié à la comtesse russe Maria Tarnowska, figure controversée et instigatrice du crime passionnel contre l'un de ses nombreux amants qui eut lieu en 1907, à l'intérieur du Palazzo Maurogonato - aujourd'hui Hôtel Ala. Un détail curieux est la façade extérieure du bar, réalisée en bois et représentant une scénographie du théâtre La Fenice du début des années 1900.
Venez rencontrer Rey, notre barman au sourire contagieux. Dégustez un Spritz classique, sirotez un verre de vin ou laissez-vous surprendre par les cocktails préparés à la perfection par notre Rey. Les Moscow Mules du Tarnowska’s sont connus dans toute Venise, et la sympathie du barman est incluse dans le prix.
Le week-end, Tarnowska's s'anime avec des soirées de musique live que vous n'oublierez pas de sitôt ! Nous vous proposons un mélange explosif de talents locaux et internationaux avec des DJ sets ludiques, ainsi que des soirées sur le thème des années 80 ou 90 qui vous feront chanter à pleins poumons jusqu'à minuit. Préparez-vous à vous déchaîner avec nous dans une ambiance unique !
In front of the Palazzo Maurogonato – now Hotel Ala – inside which Kamaroesky was killed, a banner was flown with a skull and the words: TARNOWSKA to the gallows!
‘I may be pregnant, but you will never know whether it’s your baby I’m expecting’. She was consumed by the irresistible desire to drive him into a rage. ‘ I’ll defame you and make a fool of you’
Maria was subsequently convinced by a Roman doctore to give up morphine by sniffing cocaine, as the effect was the same and the method of using is easy and harmless.
...one morning Naumow took her a basket of flowers, put it by the bed and took off the tissue paper. Under the flowers there was a dog lash with which he begged her to beat him ...
Maria would like to have shouted out that Naumow was lying, but knew that wasn’t exactly the case; Naumow was simply ignoring the truth. He wasn’t beaten because of Maria’s cruelty, but because it was he who implored her to do it.
She would have been cruel if she hadn’t satisfied him. She beat him as a reward, not to cause him pain, because both drew pleasure from it, he and she. The psychiatrists: an illness!
And Prilukov; - ‘She called me her mugik’. Maria thought: once only, in a fit of anger, did I say that.
It was subsequently he who wanted to be called by this abusive term, hundreds of times:
-‘What I am?’
-‘A mugik’
That word, full of contempt, always excited him. Prilukov eas excited by hearing words, Naumow by beatings.